

The Hong Kong Academic and Research NETwork (HARNET) is the wide area network which links up the campus networks of the eight tertiary institutions in Hong Kong and connects them to the global Internet. HARNET is operated and managed by the JUCC to promote the development, deployment, operation and technology transfer of advanced network infrastructure for innovation, research and educational excellence in Hong Kong.

The HARNET backbone is a Metro Ethernet based solution with dual HARNET data centres located at The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Harnet Network Diagram Apr 2023




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HARNET is an advanced network infrastructure built to facilitate the exchange of information for academic, educational, research, collaboration, and other official purposes of the JUCC Full Members.





As a commitment to the community, the JUCC also provides HARNET network connection services to non-profit-making organization of academic or research nature. Organisations, which are not JUCC Full Members, but accepted by the JUCC to join and connect to HARNET for network services will be recognised as Network Members.


The JUCC supports its Network Members to connect and access to local and global academic and research high-speed networks through HARNET on a cost-sharing basis.